I'm a 30 something Mum of 2 beautiful girls, and wife to a lovely (if a little grumpy) Frenchman. I work 3 days as a Property Lawyer (I know it does sound very grown up)! and the rest of the time I carry out my proper job of Mum and Wife.
I love to sew and run 2 on-line shops selling clothes and fun accessories for little girls. I tap dance and generally don't sit still for long!
LOVE: my daughters, my husband, the sunshine, friendly people, shoes, skinny jeans, my job, the butterfly house, girlie nights, dancing til my feet hurt, vodka, nights out, vino nights in, pizza, cherries, swimming, music, chilling out in my garden, watching people dance, cups of tea
DON'T LOVE: the rain, mushrooms, people who think they are all that but have no substance, feet, cats, scary films, being lied to, bitter people