We're back from Wales and have survived our first family camping trip quite admirably! We only had 1 day of rain during the whole week, which helped no end.
We went to the beach a couple of days and the sun was so hot we could have been in the South of France rather than South Wales! The beaches are gorgeous in Pembrokeshire, so clean and sandy and particularly in Tenby the sea is a lovely shade of green.
N and S went beach combing and found an assortment of wiggly sea creatures, including some mussels and prawns which they proudly cooked later for a light afternoon snack. This is the 5yo who won't eat any other yogurt but strawberry but will catch, cook and munch prawns! For the record they did not eat the Starfish!! They put her back in the sea and she sashayed away gently.
The campsite was also brill and as luck would have it we ended up in the conservation / overflow area, hidden away in a corner, with tents encircling a field for the kids to play in, it was perfect. A lovely week away from life, cleaning, ironing, technology, tv and the Internet - bliss! It was so nice just to catch up with each other away from the hustle and bustle of our daily life. We played a lot of Yazty, I'd forgotten how addictive it becomes!
I couldn't resist this photo of my chunky monkey! How gorgeously squidgy are babies thighs?!
We returned home to exciting news, our 5yo loves to dance, and when I say love I mean she was born dancing! As soon as she hears the slightest beat her feet start to move and the rhythm travels up her body. She has done tap and ballet since she was 2 1/2. Anyway we returned home to a message from her dance teacher saying she has passed her first ballet exam with Honours! 89 / 100 wowee! She is soooo excited she has listened to the message around about 15 times now! I must say I have secretly listened to it a number of times too, and it makes me cry each time! We're very proud of our little ballerina.
And so another week, where does the time go? After thinking the school holidays would last forever I'm now starting to panic about getting organised for the start of term! Oh, just to pause time for a day or two.
Have a great week, Ux