* Loving catching up with good friends (the ones that you don't see often but when you do they are exactly as you left them and you have so much fun)
* Loving cocktails - Squashed Frogs were the fave on Saturday Night!! They are delicious! (Always drink sensibly of course)!
Thinking about knitting. I can knit but my Grandma who taught me was left handed and so I knit left handed! It's fine if I knit or purl, but I can't seem to learn any other stitches as all the instructions are right-handed!! I think I'm going to have to go back and learn again, if I do this will be my weapon of choice
* Taking enjoyment from the little things. Since we came back from camping I am endeavouring not to get consumed by the business of everyday life and taking pleasure in lifes loveliness and remembering how lucky I am. This blog is certainly helping me reflect more :D
* Enjoying applique and embroidery. I'm working on loads of new designs for my name wall hangings. Just need to get the photos right now!! Here's the first one! This may sound stupid but I'm finding them really hard to describe in a catchy title. I need to get in that they are named, personalised, appliqued, embroidered and hang on the wall! Any ideas??
* Getting ready for the Back to School madness. This weekend we'll be mainly shopping for new uniform and school shoes. Before the holidays started everyone kept telling me they would drag, but I feel the opposite! They seemed to have passed in the blink of an eye, and I don't quite feel ready yet to hand over my daughter!
* Enjoying our bread maker. We luuurve brioche for breakfast and hubby made a fresh loaf last night, which smelt divine. It took all my willpower not to cut a slice! If I thought I could get away with it unnoticed I would have done!
* Searching for a pale pink or coral coloured cardigan to team with a maxi dress. It's proving more difficult that I thought!
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